Note: 1. Express Process fee & Shipping back fee will be additional;
        2. Discount for 2nd+ or more;  Group of 10+ more discount shown later
Select a Service Type:
China VISA
China VISA - NO-US Citizen Consular Fee Serivce Fee Unit Total Fee
Canadian, Flat rate up to 10 year $90.00 $109.95 $199.95
3 month One Entry $30.00 $109.95 $139.95
6 month Two Entry $45.00 $109.95 $154.95
6 month multi-entry $60.00 $109.95 $169.95
12 month multi-entry $90.00 $109.95 $199.95
X-student or Z-work visa $30.00 $109.95 $139.95
China VISA - US Citizen Consular Fee Serivce Fee Unit Total Fee
US 1 year or less multi-entry $140.00 $109.95 $249.95
US flat rate up to 10 year visa $140.00 $109.95 $249.95
X-student or Z-work visa $140.00 $109.95 $249.95
Travel Certificate
Travel Certificates Consular Fee Serivce Fee Unit Total Fee
Children Traval Certificate Pick up & mail $25.00 $89.95 $114.95
Chinese from Tai Wan, HK, Macao $30.00 $49.95 $79.95
Chinese from Tai Wan, HK, Macao-Restamp $15.00 $35.95 $50.95
China Passport
China Passport Pickup Consular Fee Serivce Fee Unit Total Fee
Expire & Renew $25.00 $89.95 $114.95
New /Lost Replacement $100.00 $89.95 $189.95
Hong Kong Visa
Hong Kong Visa Consular Fee Serivce Fee Unit Total Fee
Hong Kong Visa One entry $20.00 $109.95 $129.95
Hong Kong Visa 6 month 2 entry $30.00 $109.95 $139.95
Hong Kong Visa 12 month multi- entry $30.00 $109.95 $139.95
Document Authentication Consular Fee Serivce Fee
Unit Total Fee
Doc Authentication, Personal $25.00 $109.95/$109.95 $134.95
Doc Authentication Business & Financial $50.00 $109.95/$109.95 $159.95